Monday, August 30, 2004

The Space Race

Vox Day sends a letter to the Star Tribune, pointing out the ridiculous nature of Jim Boyd's claim that:

"Now comes their second piece. I could do extensive line-by-line analysis, but I will not. It would take space I do not have."

To which Vox says:

Considering that the digital bits available at should be more than adequate to fulfill Mr. Boyd's no doubt copious needs, and to which his piece in the paper could easily refer, this sounds suspiciously like empty words. Also, is "Moonie paper" an acceptable religious slur now? My AP Stylebook wasn't clear on the preferred term.

But maybe Jim Boyd is right. Maybe they don't have space to spare at the Strib, what with the daily State Fair pull out sections, CJ's monthly gossip columns, and intriguing stories about towns in other states named Minneapolis.

So in the interests of bridging the partisan divide, we are offering Jim Boyd space here at Fraters Libertas. Free space. As much as needs, when he needs. It will be a bit of a sacrifice for us. We're going to have spike a forthcoming piece by JB Doubtless calling for the merger of Applebee's and Wal-mart. And Atomizer's long-awaited final installment in his meal preparation series called "Atomizer Does Lunch (or how I ended up in the ER trying to make a peanut butter and 'nana sandwich)" will have to wait for another day.

Space is no longer an issue Jim. You've got all you need right here. We now anxiously await your "extensive line-by-line analysis."

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