Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bush To Plug Hole By Fingering Dike

Bush to introduce court nominee tonight:

President Bush settled on a nominee for the Supreme Court on Tuesday and the White House made arrangements for a nationally televised prime time announcement. "I'll let you know when I'm ready," he said at a midday news conference where he declined to tip his hand.

That only intensified speculation on his choice for the first opening on the court in more than a decade and a replacement for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

The announcement was set for 9 p.m. EDT from the East Room of the White House. The nominee's family was expected to be with Bush and the candidate.

Let the fun begin:

Who should President Bush announce tonight as his nominee to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court?
Judge Edith Jones
Judge Edith Clement
Edith Bunker
Judge Judy
Judge Amy Gray
Paula Abdul
Free polls from Pollhost.com

(Sorry about the title. I just couldn't resist.)

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