The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Rocket
If I didn't know better I'd guess that our friend John Hinderaker from Power Line was going through some sort of mid-life crisis. First, he went all wobbly on the Kelo decision and espoused viewpoints more corporatista than conservative. Now, he's apparently waxing nostalgic for the misspent days of his radical youth as a long-haired BMOC (big Marxist on campus). At least that's what I take from this comment on Live 8:
I don't have any illusions about Africa, nor do I have any illusions about the American and European left. Nevertheless, I think that a congruence of interests could occur that would greatly benefit those African countries that are willing to embrace reform, and also benefit the Western countries that are serious about draining the terrorist swamp.
So more debt relief and aid to Africa to fight poverty will help "drain the terrorist swamp"? Okay. Then John must believe that reducing poverty will help reduce terrorism, correct? Less poverty = less terrorism. It then follows that he must also believe that poverty is a cause of terrorism. Hmmm...I think I've heard that before somewhere.
Oh yeah, now I remember. Right after 9/11 that was the theory put forward by...
...just about every well-known LEFTIST in the book! In fact, it has almost become Gospel among the self-flagellating, "why do they hate us?" crowd.
Getting beyond the obvious fact that most of those connected to terrorist acts (such as 9/11) are not from impoverished backgrounds, it should be apparent by now that what motivates the Al Qaedas of the world is not based on economics. It's not the jing (or lack of) that they're interested in, it's the jihad baby.
Back in November 2002, I opined in a post called Viva Jihad that if poverty were truly the cause of terrorism (to say nothing of occupied territories, perceived historical injustices, and overwhelming US commercialism) then one would expect that Mexico would be a seething cauldron of would-be suicide bombers ready to strike a blow against the Grande SatanĂ¡s. To paraphrase the words of our governor, "Show me the deadly Mexicans. Where are the deadly Mexicans?"
Look, I've got nothing against trying to help Africa improve its mostly miserable lot in life. It's obvious that economic stability on the continent is in the interest of the United States. More than that, the people of Africa deserve to have a chance for freedom and prosperity.
But I doubt that debt relief and more aid from the G-8 are really going to be all that effective given the track record of previous aid efforts and the make up of most of the governments currently in power in Africa. And I especially doubt whether such actions will have any consequence in the fight against terrorism.
For more on Live 8 and aid to Africa, check out Michael Ledeen's prescription for tough love, which includes the astute observation:
Capitalism doesn't get rock concerts.
As to Mr. Hinderaker, we can only hope that his recent lapses are but symptoms of a passing stage. In the meantime, he might want to look into some other, more productive outlets for his existential despair.
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