Monday, July 11, 2005

Ready, Set, Smear!

From an e-mail from

Just days after Justice O'Connor's resignation, the fight to protect our rights is in full swing. By all accounts, this will be a long, fierce campaign. The radical right is already pouring millions of dollars in large, secret contributions into the right wing spin machine, determined to ram through whomever Bush puts forward.

Ram through? We're talking about a twice-elected president selecting a nominee for the Supreme Court to be confirmed by the Senate which his party controls (again that whole pesky election thing). How dare he!

We have a different approach, one that relies on millions of ordinary Americans giving what we can to protect our rights--and this is when you're needed most.

If Bush announces an extremist nominee...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out here. If Bush announces an extremist nominee? C'mon, why not just be honest here guys and say "When Bush announces an extremist nominee." The chances of not considering ANY nominee that Bush puts forward "extremist" are about as good as the Twins Jacques Jones getting a clutch hit. To continue:

...we'll to need respond fast [me to agree] and hard with ads on the airwaves and in major newspapers that get our message out--and none of it comes cheap. So today we're launching our Emergency Fund to Protect our Rights with an initial goal of $500,000. If you can help us get there now, we can leap straight into action the moment we hear the news.

In other words, we can leap straight into defaming, sliming, and sullying the character of anyone that Bush chooses to nominate. It doesn't matter who that person happens to be either. When Bush names him/her, they will smear.

You think the fights over Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas were nasty, disgusting, and bitter battles? You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

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