Friday, January 26, 2007

Impeaching To The Choir

Will Ellison pursue impeachment? :

Ellison's appointment to the Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over impeachment, has brought applause from the president's fiercest critics. Democratic leaders have made clear they don't intend to move to impeach Bush, and critics are disappointed, hoping Ellison will provide a loud voice to ignite their lonely crusade. Pro-impeachment groups plan to press their case for impeachment when they join anti-war demonstrators for a huge rally Saturday in Washington.

"All of us are thrilled that Mr. Ellison is in Congress and is on the Judiciary Committee," said David Swanson, Washington director of ImpeachPAC. "Keith Ellison, I think it's safe to say, has gone further toward impeachment than any other member of Congress."

That's my Congressman.

Ellison, who introduced a pro-impeachment resolution in the Minnesota Legislature last year, received a $1,000 contribution from ImpeachPAC and is the group's only endorsed congressional candidate who won election in 2006.

Mikael Rudolph of Minneapolis, co-founder of a group called, wasn't aware of Ellison's appointment until he was contacted by a reporter. "That's fabulous!" he said.

Impeachment backers say that Ellison has only been on the job for three weeks and that it would be unfair to jump on him for not moving aggressively on impeachment. But Swanson said he'll be "extremely disappointed" if Ellison has done nothing after a month or two.

The natives are getting restless.

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