Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pitchers And Catchers Report

Last night, Hugh Hewitt, the talk radio bastion of objective and unbiased political analysis, once again interviewed threw batting practice to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. You can read the transcript here if you wish. Here's my pitch by pitch recap.

- Softball

- Softball

- Unbelievable softball about Romney's fundraising

- Softball and a plug for Romney's website

- A bit tougher question on the war in Iraq

- And then Hugh plays a clip from McCain on Iran's involvement in Iraq and serves up a meatball for Romney by asking, "Do you agree with Senator McCain?" Geez Hugh, were you afraid that if you didn't set it up on a tee Romney might whiff on it? Why not ask him straight out what he thinks about Iran and Iraq instead?

Listeners who weren't aware of his previous assurances might actually be lead to believe that Hugh has an early favorite in the 2008 race.

The next time that he has Governor Romney on for another hard-hitting interview, I half expect him to open with this:

"Governor Romney: your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?"

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