Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ball Possession

Memo to parents, relatives, guardians, day care providers, etc:

The last time I checked we were not living in a socialist commune. Rather our system is capitalistic in nature, based on a firm foundation of personal property rights.

So next time you're down at the park and the child you're responsible for (at least nominally) comes over to OUR wagon and starts messing with OUR basketball, I expect that you will have the decency to instruct them to cease and desist, possibly taking the opportunity to briefly explain the concept of ownership: that ball is not yours, put it back. I understand that toddlers are far too young to understand why they should not take something that does not belong to them. However, it is your job as a responsible adult to teach them to respect the property of others.

If, for some reason, it is absolutely imperative that your little darling play with OUR basketball, I expect that you will seek our permission, which would almost certainly be granted. It's simply common courtesy to do so. It is not courteous, but I'm discovering all too common to look on silently while the child in your charge takes said basketball out of said wagon and begins rolling and kicking it around the park, requiring us to monitor the status of OUR basketball so that it doesn't end up in the street.

We're trying to have a society here people.

JB Smartly replies:

Funny The Elder should be talking about such a subject, since he does more ball handling in 5 minutes than Steve Nash does all night.

L'Elder moons for rebuttal:

Updating a ref from "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"? Not bad.

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