Thursday, February 28, 2008

Change We Should All Get Behind

I officially take back my incendiary comment from earlier today about Minnesota Rep. Ron Erhardt (R Edina) being insane. He is, in fact, a complete and utter moron. Chris Baker interviewed Erhardt this morning on KTLK-FM (here's the link to the podcast) and he comes across not only as a babbling idiot but as an obnoxious and condescending jackass.

At first, he actually tries to defend his bill to add a sales tax to clothing as a way to, brace yourselves, reduce taxes. He trots out his "three legged stool" analogy about the need to equalize all the ways in which the government empties your pocketbook. Somehow, by adding a new tax and reducing another the taxpayers of Minnesota are supposed to be better off by paying less.

Earth to incredibly dense politician guy...the easiest way to reduce taxes is BY REDUCING OUR FREAKING TAXES!!!!

After trying really, really hard to decipher even more of Erhardt's incoherent babble Baker tries to have a bit of fun with him. In no time flat, Erhardt turns into an arrogant and condescending jerk who eventually hangs up on the host and, more importantly, the voting audience.

People of Minnesota, I beseech you. If you only do one thing this election year please make it be helping Keith Downey gain the Republican endorsement in District 41-A and thereby rid the world of future kooky and very costly bills authored by one Ronnie P. Airhead of Edina. Keith has been deep in this race for the past 8 months and, if elected, will finally bring sanity and reason to a House seat that has been held by a stool-metaphor addled and tax crazed chucklehead for far, far, far, far, far too long.

You can start off this noble quest by listening to Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey interview the candidate himself at 2:15 pm this coming Saturday on the Northern Alliance Radio Network broadcast locally here on AM 1280 The Patriot.

Now, go forth and de-Erhardt us.

SP NOTES: I haven't seen Atomizer this agitated and, well, lucid in years. Did he actually give up booze for Lent? It is the season of miracles.

The Elder Concurs: It's nice to see that the slumbering passed-out giant has finally awoken. I can't wait for Easter when JB--after having given up blogging for Lent--returns refreshed and full of vim and vigor.