Monday, March 24, 2008

A Man Don't Walk Onto The Lot Unless He Wants To Buy

Easter mass (wait, that is the right word is it not, Don from Blaine?) was naturally packed. The C&E'ers were out in force, many sporting brightly colored outfits so that God could more easily see them through the clouds (there is the matter of the roof I suppose as well).

Being a weekly goer myself I felt some degree of disdain for the entire charade of getting all fussied up to go to one or two masses (*checks again with Don*) a year. One family behind us even left after about 30 minutes. Hard to decipher that one.

We learned yesterday that the brother of our young priest was killed in Iraq in 2005. He choked up as he told the story of getting the call from his mother in the middle of the night with the news.

Compelling story and it was a great way of personalizing the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.

One thing I would like to hear in the future though is a call out to the C&E's to I don't know, maybe come to mass a little more often? You've got them right there and several may have even been listening. They know they are supposed to be going every week. They know they have no good reason for not going. Start working on what is written on their hearts.

What was sad is there was an announcement at the end of mass thanking all the "new faces" and "visitors". Let's see if we can pack that jernt every Sunday and not just when the Yankees play.

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