Friday, August 10, 2007

$100,000 High Bar is sponsoring the Ultimate Global Warming Challenge:

$100,000 will be awarded to the first person to prove, in a scientific manner, that humans are causing harmful global warming. The winning entry will specifically reject both of the following two hypotheses:

UGWC Hypothesis 1
Manmade emissions of greenhouse gases do not discernibly, significantly and predictably cause increases in global surface and tropospheric temperatures along with associated stratospheric cooling.

UGWC Hypothesis 2
The benefits equal or exceed the costs of any increases in global temperature caused by manmade greenhouse gas emissions between the present time and the year 2100, when all global social, economic and environmental effects are considered.

Sounds like easy money. I mean, ALL the scientific consensus supports the position that humans are causing global warming and that we only have nine years and two-hundred odd some days to act to prevent catastrophe, right? You would think that the leading global warming preachers would jump at this opportunity to cash in. Could be a good chance for Brian Lambert to supplement what I'm sure is a very lucrative gig at The Rake.

If you want to find out more about the UGWC, tune in to the First Team of the Northern Alliance Radio Network tomorrow at noon when we'll be joined by Junk Science founder and publisher, Steven Milloy. From 11am-1pm we'll also feature our usual witty banter, Loon of the Week, and a very special edition of This Week In Gatekeeping. Tune in locally on AM1280 WWTC or listen live on the internet stream from anywhere and everywhere. Don't you dare miss it.

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