Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Holiday Recipe

Sorry to let you down, but this is not another one of my masterful drink concoctions.

It is the recipe for my how my Christmas was spent. Ready?

1 x 63 year old, female
1 x 43 year old, female
1 x 37 year old, female
1 x 15 year old, female
1 x 12 year old, female
1 x 10 year old, female
1 x 20 month old, male
1 x 4 month old, male

So take all of these people (who as you can tell are predominantly of the feminine persuasion) and cram them into my relatively (pun! SMACK) small house. Add holiday stress, familial battles, hormones (my God the hormones!) and you get a small idea of how Christmas went for ol' JB this year.

As usual, my saving grace was sweet, sweet buze. I've somehow developed a taste for Brandy and it was my constant companion over the past week.

Oh and there is absolutely no food or toilet paper left in my house. None. It's all gone.

It's going to get really ugly when the younger ones get to drinking age.

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