Friday, December 08, 2006

Break The Bubble, Break It Up

Bill, the unindicted co-conspirator now blogging at Yucky Salad with Bones, reminisces on a flash in the fashion pan (Since YSWB hasn't made the technological leap necessary to link to individual posts, you'll have to scroll down to December 5th to find it.):

An aside here (this should probably be a footnote, but screw it): did anything come and go faster than acid-wash jeans? They were "in" for four days, 6 hours and 23 minutes in the fall of 1987. It was a time when we were all jamming to "Pour Some Sugar On Me" un-ironically. And for those four days and change, acid-wash jeans couldn't have been more hip. Nerds could instantly vault up in the social stratosphere by showing up with acid-wash jeans on. And then-- boom-- they were out. Whoever got to decide what was cool back then woke up one day and pulling them on thought, "Oh my god are these gay." Some people (those who bought a lot of pairs, I assume) tried to keep the dream alive and it was just comical. Acid-wash jean jackets? Never in. Not even close-- in fact, they rank only behind Members Only jackets on the "Never Hip" scale. So then the people who tried to keep wearing the jeans thought that if they cut holes in them, they could keep them hip. Nice try, not happening. Maybe if you're Vince Neil, but definitely not if you're a white kid from the suburbs trying to look sweet at Fowl Play. (Come to think of it, acid-wash jeans had a remarkably similar life-span to Mississippi Live).

Ah, the mention of Mississippi Live brings back some memories. Did I ever tell you about the time JB and I went there and they had quarter beers? Two for fifty cents. Three for seventy-five. Four for a dollar. Five for a buck twenty five. Six for...

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