Friday, December 15, 2006

Right Enough

Paul P. from parts unknown writes in with this selective reading of my linking to a Rudolph Giuliani endorsement for President:

That's terrific. I'm glad that you've finally seen the light. Pro-choice is a perfectly legitimate position in American political life.

A woman's body is her own. The government has no right to legislate her reproductive choices. Rudy believes it. And you're down w/Rudy! Love it!

With this spewing of clichés and feminist obfuscation, it's clear Paul isn't at risk of over thinking the issue of abortion. And any time a man starts so glibly throwing around these notions, I suspect he's one of those guys who thinks he'd get laid more often if enough women were deluded into accepting the notion of an abortion rich, consequences free environment. Or as Chris Rock once put it:

Abortion, it's beautiful, it's beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f*!@*%g.

To be clear, any vote by me for Rudy G. would be in spite of these sophisticated social views, not because of them. Richard Brookhiser said "his political problems sit there like turds in a punch bowl" and it's not going to be easy for me to drink that Kool Aid.

He wouldn't get my vote in a contest where he's running against a proven social conservative. Let me go out on a limb and suggest that scenario will not be in play should he make it to the 2008 general election. Hillary, Osama Obama, Kerry/Gore/Edwards, Dean, Kucinich. They, or any other standard bearer of the Democrats, will be fiercely defending and looking for ways to expand a women's right to make themselves more attractive to Chris Rock.

If Giuliani somehow makes it through the crucible of GOP primary elections (where I probably won't have my voice heard, even I have better things to do on a cold February Tuesday night than attend a caucus - come on Minnesota, get on the primary election bandwagon), against what could be an excellent roster of competitors, he will be the superior option to anyone form the menagerie of the left. Reasons for conservatives to hold their nose with one hand and pull the lever for him with the other:

1) The President's role in influencing abortion policy in this country is limited. For evidence, look no further than all the progress in restricting the practice made under social conservative heroes like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. They claim they would have signed relevant legislation presented to them. I suppose Giuliani, to stay true to his abortion supporting beliefs, would veto this same legislation. But in either case, a prerequisite is a Congress with the moral fortitude to pass such legislation in the first place. We didn't have it for Reagan, we don't have it now, and the recent influx of all those tolerant people with (D) after their names makes this increasingly unlikely, at least in the short term.

More to the point, because of misguided Supreme Court decisions of the past, the real action on the abortion front is in the decrees of the courts, not the democratic process. Which brings us to the next reason to support Giuliani

2) Giuliani's views on abortion law seems to be identical to that of social conservatives. He wants to return it to the states and to legislatures. He's for strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution. He's kind of a reverse of the "personally opposed, but support the right to choose" canard. He's personally in favor, but supports the right of democratically elected bodies to enact the laws that would reflect the people's wishes to restrict it.

3) There may be bigger problems than abortion politics for the federal government to concern itself with between January 2009 and January 2013. Of course ,there is no larger concern for individuals than saving their immortal souls and avoiding the wages of evil. That struggle will continue, as it ever has (repent now!). But if things continue on their present course with Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea, terrorist threats, flying imams, etc. two years from now, the nation is going to have as its priority survival, first and foremost. In understanding the threats that face us and having the strength to fight, there may be no better candidate than Giuliani on either side of the aisle.

For an alternate view, see Joe Carter with 7 Reasons Rudy Ain't Right.

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