Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm A Man That's On A Mission

My post from last week regarding cluelessness in the checkout line seems to have touched a nerve with a number of you readers out there. So, since I'm simply too lazy to come up with any original material, let's see what you people have to say.

Ken from Arizona checks in with this old favorite:
While I share your frustration with the "check writers", I think you've got it good where you are. Out here in Scottsdale, there are two more steps (or rather non-steps) in the process. Since we're heavily populated by long-time retirees, it is not unusual to watch a grandmom from Detroit Lakes wait until the groceries are totaled to begin the search for the checkbook prior to completing the register followed by the check. Once that process is completed, the search for the driver's license begins.
Ken, I feel your pain.

I'm constantly amazed how anyone can spend several minutes watching the cashier ring up their basket of goods and then seem so completely gobsmacked when actually asked to produce some form of legal tender.

You have absolutely nothing else to do while holding the lead position at that checkout line than prepare for its impending conclusion. Pull out that billfold, write that check or yank that handgun out from your waistband...whatever method you prefer. Just do it quickly and then get yourself out of my way.

Tim from Colorado pipes in with this:
Please inform your readers who may work at a drive-through to please place the coins from my change in my hand first, and then the bills. That way, I can grip the coins with my palm while I grip the bills with my fingers. Please don't put the bills flat in my palm and then pile the coins on top, so that I have to crumple it all in a wad and try and get my money back into my pocket, most likely dropping it outside the vehicle where I cannot trouble the others behind me while I retrieve it, or dropping it inside the vehicle where the change will fall into some crevice, never to be seen again, but definitely heard again as it goes through the vacuum hose at the car wash.
Consider them informed, Tim.

Personally, I run into this particular peeve in the convenience store checkout line. The C-store I frequent most often, however, has that nifty little coin super-slide thingy that spits the requisite amount of pennies and such out of the register automatically. Now, I like that. See, then I can pick up the coins at the time of my choosing...and who out there doesn't like to choose the picking-up time of their own coins?

Colorado Tim continues with one last blast of hate filled vitriol:
It probably doesn't sound like it from my message here, but I love this time of year, and I really am in pretty good holiday spirits.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year to you and yours, and everybody else at FL.
I couldn't agree more, Tim. Merry Christmas to all of us here at Fraters Libertas...and to those of you out there who keep those checkout lines moving. God bless you, every one!

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