Friday, December 01, 2006

The Touch of Satan

Interesting article from Zenit about a stop Pope Benedict made in Turkey to the site where Mary reportedly lived post-crucifixion of her boy (Jesus). It's good to see that in a country with only 30,000 Catholics amid 70 million Muslims, the sacred sites are still preserved.

This fact, no doubt, helps matters immensely:

It is the object of Muslim pilgrimages too . . .

Yes, common ground with our interfaith brothers! Everyone prepare to join me in a chorus of We Are the World, right after we finish up that sentence.

. . . as Mary is presented in the Koran as "the only woman who has not been touched by the devil."

We are the World! We are the chil . . .

Wait a minute, we just lost our soprano section.

Admittedly, kind of a harsh judgment on the fairer sex there. I don't know the kinds of women the author of that Koranic passage was hanging out with, but I'd like too!

Joking of course, but it does sound like he needs to expand his social network beyond the Saudi Arabian chapter of NARAL.

But who am I to argue with the Koran on these matters? This is the very book our newly minted Congressman from Minneapolis is vowing to swear an oath on come inauguration day in Washington. Hopefully, the person swearing him in will be a man and not some devil in a blue dress.

During this past election cycle, we learned the lead inquisitor on religion in town is WCCO-TV's Pat Kessler. You may recall he did he his best to extend the torch of truth towards those wicked Lutherans with this opening question to Michele Bachmann on a televised debate:

Senator, that the church you belong to is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod which, it says, regards the Roman Catholic Pope as the Antichrist. Is this true? Do you share the views of your church? And, why should any Catholic in the 6th District vote for you if it is true?

Not sure how he missed those Koran passages during the debates this year, but it seems like a natural that Kessler's opening question in the 5th Congressional District debate in 2008 must be:

Congressmen, the religion you belong to regards all women, with the exception of the mother of Christ, as being "touched by the devil." Is this true? Do you share the views of your religion? And why should any woman in the 5th district vote for you if it is true?

I predict his response, in orthodox Minneapolis liberal fashion, will be that he supports all people, no matter their affiliation with the Prince of Darkness.

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