Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Non-binding Revolution

Ed from Eden Prairie e-mails to confirm that the fallout from last week's vote continues:

Your broadcast on The Patriot Saturday prompted me to write this letter to both my Senators and my RINO rep, Ramstad:

This week is the first in my memory that I'm actually ashamed to be a Minnesotan. Last week, both of my Senators and my Representative engaged in meaningless political posturing in an effort to seek political cover and embarrass the President on the eve of a troop deployment to Iraq. Maybe treason is too strong a word, but sedition certainly applies. And while I understand many quislings had fled the chamber before he spoke, Sam Johnson on the house floor took the day for me,

"Debating non-binding resolutions aimed at earning political points only destroys morale, stymies success, and emboldens the enemy. The grim reality is that this House measure is the first step to cutting funding of the troops...Just ask John Murtha about his "slow-bleed" plan that hamstrings our troops in harm's way."

I'm afraid Bin Laden was right when he said our nation did not have the will to win against Al Qaeda.

You scare me. Are you unaware that the battle in Iraq is not just about what happens there, it's about a global fight against Islamic terrorists who are waging war on us? That fight will continue, whether or not you succeed in ham-stringing us in Iraq. You may disagree about the way this war has been, and is being, fought. And you may plead you care so deeply for the military and their families who are being pushed to their limits. But do you care at all for the safety of my children and grandchildren? By engaging in this debate, you are already jeopardizing our mission.

Once you're elected President and Commander in Chief, you can have it all your way. In the meantime, I find your resolutions and your posturing deeply offensive.
Well said Ed.

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