Friday, February 09, 2007

So Lazy And Surly

Since it appears likely that the Democrats in Congress will soon try to reimpose the "Fairness Doctrine" on us, the hosts of the Northern Alliance Radio Network Volume One (a.k.a. NARNVI) have elected to try to get ahead of the game by allowing equal time on our talk radio show.

In the past, we've had Summit Brewing founder and owner Mark Stutrud on the show a couple of times. Now, in the interests of fairness and sharing of the public airwaves, we are pleased to announce that Omar Ansari, founder and owner of Surly Brewing Company in beautiful Brooklyn Center (the real Brooklyn), Minnesota, will join us this Saturday at noon to discuss the wonderful world of beer. If there is anything about beer making that you've also wanted to know, but been afraid to ask, feel free to call in at 651-289-4488. As always you can catch the NARN on AM1280 The Patriot or on the internet stream.

If you like beer, good beer, I suggest you go out and grab yourself a four pack or two of Surly cans (yes, cans!). It's not sold everywhere but the list of stores carrying Surly covers the metro area and is growing. If you like a well-hopped beer, you've got to try the Surly Furious. It's a taste sensation.

UPDATE: Derek concurs on the Surly cans.

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