Thursday, April 26, 2007

Common Ground

In these hyper-sensitive, bitterly divided times, it's refreshing to find matters that you and those on the other side of the ideological fence can agree on. City Pages "BEST USE OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS":

Winner: Highway 100

City Pages praising the highway? That prairie-destroying, Hummer-enabling, anti-neighborhood expanse of sameness leading only to more sameness? Yes, this year we've dropped to one knee for a ribbon of asphalt: the newly rehabbed Highway 100. It's resurfaced--so smooth and flat we've entertained irresponsible thoughts of midnight Rollerblading. But it's also been given a spine-realigning shake by some cosmic transit chiropractor, and baby, does traffic flow. So seamless are exits and entries, we can glide from downtown to Southdale in 12 minutes--without connecting foot to brake. If we'd known driving could be like this, we would have examined our prejudices years ago. Which raises a good question: Exactly when is the Crosstown realignment scheduled to begin?

Amen on both counts. The recent improvements to Highway 100 have made a dramatic difference and when it comes to Crosstown, I'll borrow a line from Michael Ledeen and plead, "Faster please."

We would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate MOB member Faithmouse on winning the City Pages coveted BEST LOCALLY GENERATED BLOG (RIGHT-WING). It certainly is more deserving of wearing the crown than the mushy moderates--who seemed all too willing to sell their souls for a little media attention--who were awarded the title last year.

Of course, since one of the contributors to Fraters Libertas is not a local yokel, we were not eligible for consideration ourselves.

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