Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ready To Go?

I always give my wife a hard time about how anal retentive she is when it comes to preparing for a trip. Lists are made weeks in advance and include the most insignificant details (number of pairs of socks & their colors for example).

But compared to Lileks, she's a regular foot-loose, fancy-free, seat-of-the-pants, drop-of-a-hat type of traveler:

Anything else? Well, of course; lots more. You print out your boarding passes. You make dupes and set aside the second run in an envelope in your carry-on, just in case. You write the cab number on a Post-It note and put it on the coffee maker so you can call them as soon as you get up: it's an early flight. Then, with no small amount of pride, you put your bags by the door at 2 PM, seventeen hours before you're going to leave.

All this for a trip to the exotic land of...


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