Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nativist Backlash

Tim from Colorado e-mails to report that he's reached the breaking point when it comes to immigration:

Throughout my life I have been pretty fortunate. My wife and I have been together almost 25 years, I have three wonderful children, I enjoy good health, get to fish whenever I want, and live in the most beautiful state in the union. However, it would appear a significant portion of my good life is about to come to an end. If you were listening to Hugh [Hewitt]
Monday night, you would understand my current state of paralyzing fear.

Hugh is threatening to move to Colorado. Seriously, I'm not joking. I heard him say it. Granted, he said he would only be a resident here from May through October, and thankfully, those six months do not include snowmobile season. Now that probably sounds ok to most outsiders, but Chad, people need to know that sometimes we get freaky late spring and early fall blizzards in May, September and October that may dump 12-14 inches of snow. We have an abundance of snowmobile dealers. We have internet access here and our own local page on Craig's List. Access to snowmobiles is unrestricted. There is no five-day waiting period before you can purchase a snowmobile. Do you understand my fear now?

Yes Tim, your fear is perfectly legitimate. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

The damaging effects from the influx of Californian immigration continues; they drive up real estate prices, force liquor stores to displace beer selection with wine selection, drive clothing stores to carry clam diggers and sandals instead of jeans and boots, and influence our ski area eateries to sell Kobe beef and smoked salmon instead burgers and pizza. It is a heavy burden.

We here in Colorado need to pass stricter immigration laws and snowmobile control laws now, if only "for the sake of the children." We need to start class action lawsuits against snowmobile manufacturers because they brazenly market their products to one Hugh Hewitt. I've even heard rumors that Dockers is introducing a line of snowmobile clothing.

I knew this "open borders" thing between the states was a disaster waiting to happen. You know, as bad as Communism was, Communists got some things right.

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