A Bad Idea That Just Keeps Spreading
The Star Tribune has joined a growing list of newspaper web sites that require you to register in order to view most of the content. Of course they claim that "it's fast and free!". Yes it is. But it was free before and even faster. I'm sure the brain wizards at the Strib would ask what's the big deal about setting up a password and then logging in. And if the Strib site was the only one you visited on a daily basis (my God would you have a warped view of the world) it would not be much of a concern. But for those of us who cruise the net checking out several blogs and news sites every day the notion of having to register at each stop seems absurd. I know that when I follow a link to a site that forces me to register to view the material I'm outta there.
Unfortunately since the Strib has proven to be a rich source of material in the past I will have to submit to the indignities of registration. This time. I did however whip out an e-mail expressing my displeasure at the imposition of this draconian practice by the Strib and I urge all of you to do the same here.
We're mad as hell and we're not going take it anymore! Well, we might take it. But we're not gonna like it damnit.
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