Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Past As Prologue?

A reader submits an earlier incident involving Mike Hatch and charitable contributions:

Ya see, Hatch the Demagogue has done all this before. As Commerce Commissioner, seven years under Perpich, then out to take the boss's job, he fines a Golden Valley insurance company, reputable outfit named Security Life, a total of $25,000 in charitible contributions. Well, "fine" is not the word, but part of the settlement. Hell, power-mad Mickey only held hostage that company's license to do biz in its home state, so what's a company to do? Pay up. Sort of an early Rainbow Coalition-type payoff deal, with Hatch specifying the charities. Guess who gets the loot in this little game of extortion?

Well, start with Duluth. His hometown is all, and base for his run at bing guv. Hatch earmarked half of the $25 grand to Duluth food shelves. The rest went to Iron Range food shelves, his diehard district come hell or high water. . .

So his on-the-table offer, likely illegal, and certainly "improper, " even under Strib's wierd PC standards, is held blameless, while the set-up job on Wilson is the media focus. Neat move! Demagogues do this all the time, and Get Away With It. Liberal bias, anyone?

Security Life case is old history now, going back in '89 or so, but proves, again, what goes around. . .

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