If It's The Tuesday After A Holiday Weekend In Minnesota?
...it must be one of the most gorgeous days of the year. Just in time for us to plod our way back into the salt mines, that cruel hag Mother Nature "blesses" us with an absolutely frickin' beautiful day weather-wise. Friday failed to live up to expectations (especially for those of us who took the day off). Saturday suffered from cloudy skies and temperatures far below average. Sunday satisfied our longing for sunlight with an altogether too short promise of summer climes. Monday moderated our grumbling somewhat with decent conditions. But today, today is the kind of day that we live (and suffer) for here in these parts.
Today is an almost perfect early-summer day. And, although the calendar may not yet mark it as such, it is now summer in Minnesota. Because if this Gloomy Weather Gus says it's summer, you better believe that it indeed is.
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