Members of the "religion of peace" made their voices heard yesterday in London as they gathered in front of the US embassy and called for more innocent Americans to be slaughtered.
Are you still looking for a reason why? Well here's a clue for you all:
There were threats of "another 9/11" from militants angry at reports of the desecration of the Koran by US troops in Iraq.Any more of you morons want to claim that the countless missteps by the mainstream media don't play a role in fostering hatred towards the United States?
With that in mind, I'm sick to death of hearing how cramming the Koran down a toilet has somehow now become the crime of the century. We've got people constantly cramming my country and my religion and my way of life and my fellow countrymen down the freakin' crapper every damn day that I breathe...and I'm just supposed to live with it?
Then I have to read crap like this:
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Martin Mubanga told the crowd he had seen a copy of the Koran "desecrated" during his time at Camp Delta.Well boo-freaking-hoo to you, Martin. Your "book of peace" was tossed on the floor...and I had to watch thousands of my countrymen die in an unprovoked attack that sent the entire world reeling into turmoil from which, almost four years later, we have not quite yet recovered. Yeah...that sounds about equal.
He said: "This was one of the methods they used, throwing the Koran, my Koran, on the floor in my cell."
Pick that damn book off the floor, Martin, and flip to whichever page that calls for peace (if you can find it). Let's get busy makin' some harmony. That is, if you and yours could stop with the whole "kill the infidels" nonsense.
Personally...I'm not holding my breath.
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