Friday, May 20, 2005

Talk About Speaking Truth To Power

This year, the Center of the American Experiment celebrates its fifteenth anniversary and last night they did it up right at their 2005 Annual Dinner at the RiverCentre in Saint Paul. Rudy Giuliani was the key note speaker and the former mayor of New York City did not disappoint. I hope to have time for a more in-depth post on last night's event later, but for now let me note one of Rudy's most interesting revelations. During his stint as mayor, he challenged the city's most powerful unions in order to push the reforms needed to turn New York around. The police unions, the fire unions, the city workers unions, health care unions. You name 'em, he took 'em on and dragged them kicking and screaming along with his plans that revitalized a city previously thought to be on an irreversible decline.

All except one. Giuliani admitted that the one area that he was unable to make any real progress in New York City was education. This was the man who stared down drug dealers, Mafia bosses, and the hostile New York media. The man who pared back the New York City welfare rolls, dramatically reduced crime, and made the Big Apple livable again. The man who emerged unbowed, defiant, and resolute following the horrific attacks on 9/11. This man finally met his match when he went up against one of the most powerful, well organized, deeply entrenched organizations in the world. Rudy Giuliani could not overcome the resistance of the teachers unions.

But if there is to be any hope for reforming public education in the United States, these unions must not be allowed to continue to control the agenda. Their hegemony over public education must be ended and they must be held to account for their role in the decline of American educational standards and achievement.

A great way to take the first steps to making this happen is to support groups like Parents for Truth in Education:

We're two parents in the town of Fort Collins, Colorado. Next week we go head-to-head with the teachers unions in court, and we desperately need to get the word out about our cause.

We filed a legal complaint against our local union for violating election law last year. In our first hearing, the union's motion to dismiss was rejected and we managed to get the statewide Colorado Education Association and the local school district enjoined as co-defendants.

We go to trial next week. Our legal complaint states that the union illegally conducted blatant campaign operations during school hours and using school resources. Teachers even complained --in writing-- about the campaign demands on their time.

The local and state teachers unions, working through the schools, used district resources to recruit volunteers, organize meetings, and offer inducements to volunteers on behalf of Bob Bacon's campaign for State Senate. This was done using school resources during school hours by school employees.

We are seeking injunctive relief, meaning that our suit could re-write election law and force teachers unions to change how they do business in the future. This could be the little lawsuit that significantly alters the balance of power in Colorado politics.

We created Parents for Truth in Education, and we quickly put up a website at so we can accept PayPal contributions. Without significant financial help, we will not be able cover our legal fees. We need money, and we need it immediately.

You can read more about their case here, here, and here.

This fight is taking place in Colorado, but it's more than a local issue. It's about the future of education in America. The future of the country itself.

Take the first step and help Parents for Truth in Education in their struggle against the power of the teachers unions. Let's win this one for Rudy.

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