Friday, March 23, 2007

A Convenient Fool

The great thing about reading Brian Lambert is that you don't have to wait months, weeks, or even days for him to contradict himself and expose his utter foolishness. No, the former-MSMer (now writing for the free monthly "The Rake," which is sort of an assisted-living home for former "City Pages" writers), who wishes that everyone who disagrees with him on global climate change would just shut the hell up, makes it easy for us by displaying his incongruous thinking within the space of a single paragraph:

To Sherno's credit he inserts a clip of the crackpot, "Global Warming is a Fraud", (not exact title), movie the wingnut wants St. Louis Park to show ... as balance. He also points out that ... no surprise here ... the winger hasn't bothered to see, "An Inconvenient Truth", (yet flatly asserts it is partisan, politically motivated, yadda yadda, insert the usual talking points).

Let me get this straight: In one breath, Lambert is criticizing me for daring to form an opinion about "An Inconvenient Truth" without having seen it (although I did sit through an hour-long PowerPoint presentation on C-SPAN questioning much of it) and in the next he labels the "The Great Global Warming Swindle" as "crackpot" without even bothering to get the name right (it's called "Google" dude), to say nothing of actually watching it?

One could write:

...the moonbat hasn't bothered to see, "The Great Global Warming Swindle," (yet flatly asserts it is crackpot, yadda yadda, insert the usual talking points).

If you read Lambert's entire post, you'll also note that he uses the term "wingnut" or "winger" five times (bringing back fond memories of his days as a sidekick on the Nick Coleman Show). As a former newspaper writer and ex-talk radio host, one would think that Lambert would have developed a more extensive vocabulary. Perhaps after he figures out how to use this new fangled "Google" thing, he can get some help in that area as well. After all, people do judge you by the words you use.

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