Tuesday, April 29, 2003

More of Everything!

Yesterday I boarded the 737 for my flight from Houston to Minneapolis and assumed my position in coach among the unwashed masses. The flight was going to be full so I girded myself for two and a half hours of uncomfortable travel punctuated by moments of sheer hatred for my fellow passengers. (Is it possible to bring a bigger carry on next time ma'am? Do you really have to get up three times to go to the lavatory sir?).

I was on the aisle, sharing my row with a gentleman in the window seat and with our departure imminent I held out hope that the buffer middle seat betwixt us would remain unoccupied. It appeared that my hopes would be dashed when a fellow tapped me on the shoulder and informed me that he was the lucky occupant of the coveted middle seat. I unbuckled my seat belt and began to get up to allow him to be seated when he continued, "Unless you want to switch and take my First Class ticket."

I paused quite sure that I must have not heard him properly. He noted my lack of comprehension and explained, "You see I have a seat in first class but I would like to sit next to her", he gestured to another woman in the aisle who I guessed was his wife or girlfriend, "So if you wouldn't mind switching seats..."

Would I mind switching seats? Let's see. Spend an overcrowded flight in the cozy confines of coach listening to the teenager girls behind me smack their gums and hum along to an N'Sync song or stretch my legs in the opulent luxury of First Class? Hmmm....

In a flash I agreed to his proposal, snatched the ticket stub to paradise out of his hands, and was bounding down the aisle to the promised land. Shortly thereafter I was kicking back listening to some classic jazz on my MP3 player, sipping a gratis Scotch (All you have is Dewars? You call this First Class?), and thinking that sometimes life ain't so bad after all.

"More Scotch sir?"

"Yes, more Scotch. More of everything!"

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