A WILD Week Ahead
For a glimpse of what passes for higher education these days check out the list of activities that will be taking place as part of WILD (World Issues/Local Dimensions) week at St. Cloud State University. My personal favorites:
Media Violence: How Are You Being Entertained? Wrestling with Manhood shows how the World Wrestling Federation encourages violence, sexism, homophobia, and sexual assault.
Don't they know it's all fake? And isn't the title "wrestling with your manhood" a bit euphemistic?
Global Feminism: An International Women's Panel 4-5:30 Little Theatre
Join us as we explore race, class, gender and national origin from multiple cultural perspectives!
Now that sounds exciting! These groups can't get enough of the exclamation points. In fact the motto of WILD Week is "Peace, Justice, and the Earth!" Another seminar to get excited about is:
Cruelty Free Grill Out: Do You LOVE Animals? Then Don’t Eat Them! 11-1 MALL
Come taste a free veggie burger and learn about the inhumane practices on factory farms!
I suppose it would be considered poor taste to stop by with a bag of White Castle sliders and a box of nails. "Me? I'm here for that Cruelty Free Grill Out thing. You don't mind if I eat my lunch? Cool."
H2O= How 2 Organize Change Locally for Water 2-3:15 Atwood Mall 3:30-5 Atwood Kiosk
Panel: Brooke Johnson, Jill Polasek, Shawn Stafford, Nate Neil, Kay Bagley
Less than 1% of fresh water is left on the earth and it is being polluted and wasted more each day. Come learn what you can do.
Apparently none of these folks are English majors. Actually the whole topic is a bit confusing to me. While it is true that over 99% of the earth's water is unusable for humans (oceans, seas, ice, and atmosphere) it's been that way pretty much since the beginning of time so it's not as if our extravagant toilet flushing and lawn watering are the culprits. And while Brooke, Jill, Shawn, Nate, and Kay may consider a daily shower a waste of fresh water I think I'm going stick to my routine thank you very much.
Thanks to the crew at the SCSU Scholars blog for bringing this enlightening material to our attention.
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