Monday, April 14, 2008

She's Gonna Be a Fine Sailor

DAN: Bill, how was your weekend?

BILL: Oh, excellent weekend. What about your weekend?

DAN: Fine weekend.

GEORGE: Yeah. Good weekend.

DAN: Went up to the Cape. Took the kids sailing. Lisa was a
little scared at first, but that kids' gonna be a good sailor

GEORGE: Aw, she's gonna be a fine sailor.

LEVITAN: Ava, what happened to you Friday afternoon?

AVA: I got a little tied up.

LEVITAN: I'll bet you did.

Oh, how was MY weeekend you ask? Fine, fine weekend.

Our two year old walked over to my wife Saturday morning holding his toddler belly. He then proceeded to start puking--right on my wife, 4-5 times. He continued this behavior for the next 8 hours or so, variously puking and bawling after there was nothing left to puke up.

We had towels over most of the basement, waiting for the next round.

Yeah. Good weekend.

Then on Sunday my wife decides it's her turn. She spent the better part of the day laying on the bathroom floor, praying that the Lord take her now and spare her the misery.

Then the little one, our seven month old. He spent most of the day yakking as well so I ended up taking him to the ER at about 7:30 since he hadn't eaten or taken any fluids all day.

Watching the nurses poke your infant with needles while they look for a vein was another feature of this fine weekend. Hockey seemed to calm him, so we watched the Calgary/San Jose game until the four hours passed and I took him home.

How was YOUR weekend?

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