Monday, April 14, 2008

Why Am I Doing This Again?

Watching the Masters yesterday (man it's gorgeous in HD!) I heard over and over how this Immelman fellow had made a lot of sacrifices (one bit of BS I have to call out the announcers for: they claim he had a special gift for golf...since AGE FIVE? Come on!) to get to this point where he won a major. There was talk of the sacrifices the kids had to endure (what choice did they have?) being without a father, the sacrifices the parents and wife had to make, etc.

It just got me wondering what The Point is anyway. Is great achievement supposed to be the goal of our lives? Why? I know, as someone who has not achieved these great things it's easy for me to say, but there's a fundamiddle assumption here that the announcers were voicing that It Was All Worth It.

So you move half-way around the world, deprive your children of their father for long stretches of time, leave your friends, family...because YOU have a dream.

So perhaps this is a very non-conservative point--achieving excellence isn't what it's all about?

Maybe the goal should be achieving as much excellence as you can while still being focused on your family. Something's gotta give though and it's usually the kids when the parent's dreams are on the line.

File under: just sayin'.

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