The Left wing assault on our senses continues in leafy and formerly livable Mac-Grove. The cars on Grand were leafleted this morning by some group advocating "Buy Nothing" and more broadly, for the "Fall of America." It's some group named "Peace MP" - with MP standing for "Moving Picket. " (A Web address was listed on their leaflet, and the complete text of it is listed here.)
Their plan is to wear t-shirts with radical slogans (like "I'm with Stupid?") and march silently around shopping malls to make a statement about - something. Their over riding philosophy seems to be "Buy Nothing" combined with "No War in Iraq" with a touch of "Free Mumia" and perhaps with an eye on lunch, "Free Large Fries". Their target today was the Mall of America. No media reports yet on the what may have transpired down there.
But I must say, we in this neighborhood need to start drawing the line on this vandalism perpetrated by who I presume to be the pampered and restless children of the bourgeoisie down at Macalester. I mean if they get away with leafleting our vehicles with impunity, you know what's next? That's right, in your face bill posting and radical pamphleteering. And these are the exact reasons I moved out of Uptown. Damn - there goes the neighborhood.
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