Friday, November 15, 2002

Wining, Dining, and Opining

The prodigal son of the Fraters Libertas site, the Elder's brother, formerly (and heretofore?) known as "the Younger," submits another report as he prowls up and down the East Coast, turning his satirical gaze to whatever he sees fit to sumbit. Hopefully this is a sign that his musings will become a more regular feature here. Given his relatively recent re-appearance (and dependence on us to post for him), I'll resist the temptation to fisk him with extreme prejudice.

Everybody Is Stupid But Me

If you get a chance, check out a writer named Tunku Varadarjan. He's probably on the site or others. Funny, smart writer this guy, in the Lileks vein. He was writing today about how he likes to watch Martha Stewart (a guilty pleasure I enjoy as well) and how he appreciates her subtle style unlike that of the now un-trendy Emeril and then writes:

"She didn't mug adorably for the camera in the manner of a moring-news achorette splattering her way through a cooking segment as if to suggest 'I am such a brilliant career woman that I just can't boil water'."

The Modern Woman (with their weak men shrugging and taking it) has completely devalued the fine arts of cooking and cleaning--arts that contribute materially to our enjoyment of life. To attend a dinner party of someone who has the Martha Skills is a great joy. It's all about details and when those details are taken care of relaxation ensues, which then encourages conversation to flow. Adults of our parents generation understood this, from the hordourves (when is the last time someone offered you one before dinner?) to the perfect cocktail to the perfect music during cocktail hour (it's not U2).

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