Thursday, January 26, 2006

"Dear One" Now Says She Was Duped

The Dear One, (Oprah Winfrey) now says she was duped by author James Frey and his outrageous lies in the book "A Million Little Pieces".

"I made a mistake," a somber Winfrey said at the opening of the live show, "and I left the impression that the truth does not matter, and I am deeply sorry about that because that is not what I believe."

But what about when Oprah called into Larry King's show a few scant weeks ago to defend Frey. Saint Paul wrote at the time:

A second caller:

James, I love your book and I fully support you. Do you think Oprah will support you, too?

This was a theme throughout the show, anxious speculation on how Oprah would react to the fact that she was conned into personally perpetrating a fraud on the American public. Never one to miss out on a chance for drama, right as the show was ending, the grand dame of emotional infotainment called in:

KING: I'm going to hold the show a little longer because I understand we have Oprah on the phone. Let's see what she has to say. Are you there, my friend?

WINFREY: Hello, Larry, how are you?

KING: Hello, dear one, how are you doing?

After King removed his lips from the studio camera lens, he got around to asking Oprah for her opinion on the matter at hand. Amid the rationalizations, blaming of others, excuses, and general gushing, she assured her audience:

... we support the book because we recognize that there have been thousands and hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been changed by this book.

And, you know, one of the things James says in the book, for all the people who are going through any kind of addiction, is to hold on. And I just wanted to -- you know, I have been calling this number and it's been busy, trying to get through to say to all those people out there who have received hope from reading this book, keep holding on.

So what of that call Oprah? The Chicago Tribune piece says:

Oprah, who had helped the book reach 3.5 million in sales by choosing it for her book club in September, defended Frey during his Jan. 11 appearance on the Larry King Show on CNN. Today, she opened her show by saying, "I regret that phone call."

Amazing. Guy lies. Oprah uncritically supports the lies. Irrefutable evidence is then presented that the lies were, well, lies. Oprah then supports the liar telling the lies in no uncertain terms. Then later, after some presumably taking some heat in focus groups for her complete lack of ethics, she turns around and says "Whoops, I made a mistake."

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