Gentlemen of the moving party, thanks again for your kind assistance in my exodus to the promised land of the far eastern suburbs (the promise being, I think, no line ever at Chipotle). I know how we all love the back-breaking rigor of moving someone else's "stuff" for no direct personal benefit, but at least the weather is predicted to be 105 degrees, with occasional tropical downpours, and that should provide some distraction from the suffering at hand.
Thanks to meticulous preparation, hopefully things won't be too bad. The plan is for me to acquire the truck around 8:30 AM (although I received a rather somber message from a clerk to call back the rental company tomorrow morning, not sure why, stay tuned). I'd like to begin the move in earnest around 9:30 AM. We begin the festivities at my current abode in the sweltering core of the Jr. Twin City. This is where the majority of stuff will be, including most of the furniture, which is only about 5 major items and assorted boxes and smaller fare. And yes, I'm including the 24 piece sectional couch as one item. And my meat freezer is counted among the "smaller fare."
Tentative schedule would be to have the whole shebang wrapped up by 3:00 (truck needs to be back by 4 PM). And after that, as promised, the finest in hospitality and thanks. That's right, all the Special Export Extra Light you can drink - or until the 12 pack runs out, which ever comes first.
If questions my cell will be on, and if I properly understand the instructions, this time the ringer will be as well. Thanks again and we'll see you soon.
UPDATE: Bad news/good news.
The truck I originally rented allegedly has a blown transmission and the rental company left me high and dry with nary an empathetic sigh to spare. Luckily I'm not a vindictive sort, so I let them off with a devastatingly long pause before acknowledging their cancellation of our deal. BTW, Chad, expect my return to blogging in earnest next week, with a 12 part series on the worst truck rental company in St. Paul and why no one should ever patronize them.
After some effort, I did locate another vendor with a sufficiently large truck and I've secured it for Saturday. It is all systems go. The very best news is that I've got it for the full day and no need to rush this done by 3:00. Meaning Chad can still do the NARN show and catch up to us on the back end and we'll wait so he can partake in the most brutal and challenging (and thus rewarding) moving maneuvers to be done.
Thanks again for your help and let me know if any questions. And no Atomizer, being hung over is not an acceptable excuse for missing phase 1. Peace, SP.
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