Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Urbane Sophistication OF NPR (Redux)

This little NPR anecdote from USA TODAY (courtesy of is priceless:

Daniel Schorr is used to producers popping into his Washington, D.C., office at National Public Radio to ask, on deadline: Which war came first, Korea or Vietnam? (Answer: Korea.)

But when one asked, "You covered the Spanish-American War, didn't you?" Schorr couldn't help but respond, matter-of-factly: "That was 1898."

"Oh, sorry, of course," the younger man said, excusing himself.

I assume that these NPR producers are educated people (allegedly). Educated people who don't know that the Korean War preceded the war in Vietnam? Frightening.

But remember folks, they're the intelligent alternative to the "shrieking midgets of AM radio."

UPDATE-- Rod e-mails to add:

Most frightening is that they are turning to Daniel Schorr, of all people, to get straightened out.

And don't forget. NPR has now added Ted Koppel to their stable (aptly named) of contributors. I heard a fine piece by Ted the other day. Ted visited Gitmo, and talked to the C.O. The C.O. told Ted that each of the inmates deserved to be there, because of their actions. After reporting that statement, Ted added "I found that hard to believe.". Did Ted add any facts to support his supposition? Of course not--only that he is TED KOPPEL.

Why we continue to send them tax money is beyond me.

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