Also Known As "The Dockers D'oh Incident"
Tim from Colorado e-mails:
Thanks for blabbing to the world about the marking of the anniversary of what we call "The Conifer Incident." We were hoping to keep it on the down-low so certain radio personalities wouldn't start thinking that maybe it's time for another Rocky Mountain Wilderness experience. Our insurance rates haven't stabilized since the last radio personality, who shall remain nameless but whose name rhymes with "Few Chew It", passed through here.
We are planning a ceremony, but we need some help. Please understand that although a whole year has passed, we are still a little jumpy in these parts every time we see somebody in Dockers and Topsiders anywhere near a snowmobile. An aside: Did anybody check to see if Hugh had his snowmobile boots on the right feet? Not that it would've prevented "The Conifer Incident", but it might have tipped us off in advance. Next time he gets a snowmobile with only one spark plug.
While we are conducting the ceremony, we need live updates from somebody we can trust that will tell us Hugh's position during every minute of the ceremony. If Hugh even starts to head to an airport, we're outta there. We will be forced to conduct our observance at an undisclosed location.
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