Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Not Trying To Cause A Big Sensation

Speaking of Green Day BOTH of the Star Tribune music scribes voted the snotty punk-pop band's record "American Idiot" to be the Best of the Year.

I found this somewhat surprising considering John Bream is a "Bong rattling bass of Mel Shockter" Baby Boomer and Chris Riemenschneider is more of a "The Buzzcocks saved my life" Gen X'er. You would expect it from the latter and not the former.

There was a time when the paper employed only a single music writer. But after years of reading Bream's glowing reviews of Joan Biaz concerts, Star Tribune leadership decided new blood was needed.

I can imagine the lunchroom conversation at the Star Tribune between Bream and Remmy when they decided to vote Green Day's record to be The Best:

Remmy: I'm thinking that new Green Day record may be the best of the year
Bream: (humming)
Remmy: No, not Green Tambourine. The BAND is Green Day
Bream (humming)
Remmy: That's Green RIVER, by CCR!
Bream: (humming another)
Remmy: NO! That's Green Earrings by Steely Dan! Do you even know who Green Day is?
Bream: (blank, expressionless look of someone who has attended too many Foghat reunions)
Remmy: Green Day is an explosive post-punk band out of San Francisco. They sing of America's fascism and racism and try to spread social justice
Bream: Social justice?
Remmy: Yes, just like you guys did in the sixties
Bream: Giddyup!