On Tap
Four things to look forward to in the not too distant future:
1. The 2004 Blogs of Distinction Awards. The 2003 BODAs rocked the socks off the blogosphere and the early nominees for 2004 promise more of the same. If you have a deserving candidate for consideration, drop an e-mail to the new Master of Ceremonies himself at rightwinger23@hotmail.com
The best thing about the BODAs is that there are not any set categories of recognition. We make 'em up as we go and you should feel free to do the same. Please submit all entries by December 29th.
2. The next MOB (Minnesota Organization of Bloggers) party on January 22nd at Keegan's Irish Pub in Nordeast Minneapolis. Bloggers, readers of blogs, local media luminaries, and Scott Johnson groupies are all welcome to join the fun, which will kick off at 5pm.
3. The same rocket scientists who helped launch the Hindrocket into fame are working on an even more ambitious project for 2005. Operation Red Ryder is slated to send Ralphie into space in late February. We've managed to unite Ralphie's original creator (his Geppetto if you will) with the Vatsaas brothers to ensure that Astronaut Ralphie has the equipment, training, and vehicle to boldly go where no bobble head doll who looks like a nationally syndicated talk radio host has gone before.
4. Finally, the Starve the Beast campaign will kick into high gear in 2005, with particular attention brought to bear on the Minneapolis Star Tribune. All good conservatives in the Twin Cities should resolve to rid themselves of their Strib subscriptions in 2005.
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