Thanks to all those who called or e-mailed with kind words on the Northern Alliance Radio Network filling in for Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday and Thursday. Special recognition to those bloggers who dialed in last night including David from Infinite Monkeys, Joe from the evangelical outpost, Joshua from View From a Height, and, even though he didn't mention his blog on the air, Doug from Considerettes.
I also want to apologize to any callers from Colorado who wanted to talk about the one year anniversary of Hugh's Snowmobile Adventure. We had a lot to cover last night and weren't able to get to all the calls that we wanted to.
Barbra a.k.a. The Golden Girl who blogs at Girl in Right, did e-mail with her concerns:
Any word on the findings of the 12/13 commission? I hear it's very hush-hush. Apparently the stumbling block is whether to issue snowmobile driver's licenses to residents of sunbelt states. How can that even be a point of debate? I don't know if I'll ever feel safe again.
Michael from Chicago e-mails to nag:
Should I infer that because you're not called Fratres Libertatis that you either flunked or did not study Latin in school (except that awful legal Latin lawyers learn)?
God, I can't believe I wrote that. I sound like a damned school marm.
Yes. You do sounds rather marmish Michael. The truth of the matter is, that despite the fact that I attended years of Catholic school, I never picked up a lick of Latin. When we were looking for a name for a web site that we thought no one would ever be reading, I picked out Fraters and Libertas as individual Latin words and then merged them in an unholy alliance. Since then, we've been reprimanded by folks more marmish than you, that the name is not proper Latin. But with the FL brand firmly established, we can't very well go and change it, can we? Not with eight thousand pair of official Fraters Libertas boxers on order (for those who enjoy writing withering and anonymous social commentary in their underpants).
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