Banging On Hugh So I Don't Have To
Doug from Bogus Gold tries to get inside Hugh's melon with Hewitt's Personality Disorder Explained:
I think this begins to solve the riddle of Hugh coming out of nowhere with bizarre claims about people he insists are true. Think Lileks and the Hummels, or "Peeps" the Elder. It seems Mr. Hewitt can retain those sorts of details quite well, but he simply can't keep straight who they pertain to. Perhaps it is Michael Medved who collects Hummels, and James Lileks who stays kosher. Maybe the Elder served as a Generalissimo for some banana republic in the '80s, while Hugh's sidekick Duane is the one with the fondness for marshmallow Easter candy in amusing shapes.
Glen at Phantom of the Blog reminds Hugh of the old adage about people in glass houses throwing stones. Or in this case people with their own history of issues with motorized vehicles chiding others about their mishaps.
Don't forget that December 13th marks the one year anniversary of Hugh's disastrously short-lived snowmobile outing. We understand that a group of Colorado citizens is planning to have a ceremony in the woods where the incident occurred, which will include the laying of a memorial wreath at the foot of the tree that was victimized by Hugh's reckless incompetence.
Meanwhile there may be some good news for Hugh on the blogging horizon:
Microsoft Corp.'s MSN Internet division last night introduced a preliminary version of MSN Spaces, a new service that includes a tool for publishing weblogs, online journals commonly known as blogs. The tool is less flexible than many existing blog-publishing services, but it's meant to be easier to use.
The service isn't likely to appeal to hard-core bloggers, and some analysts have mixed feelings about its prospects. But MSN executives say the approach should boost the interest in weblog publishing well beyond techies and enthusiasts to a much broader base of users.
"This is for the masses," said Blake Irving, an MSN corporate vice president.
At long last, a blogging tool that Hugh can use?
UPDATE: Breaking News: Wal-Mart Sales Weak; Target, J.C. Penney Up
Hmmm...Wasn't there a certain radio talk show host encouraging us to boycott Target and shop at Wal-Mart this holiday season? What was the name of that fellow again?
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