Friday, August 12, 2005

Darling Nikki

The post on Nick Coleman at The City Pages Blotter that Saint Paul referenced earlier today, includes a comment on Coleman's departure submitted by a Nikki Carlson:

It was pretty clear that the station was trying to muzzle Nick Coleman all along. You could hear it in the show. I mean, what the heck happened to poor Cubby, his loyal and sometimes outspoken sidekick?

Nick has a dna-level connection to the twin cities: history, politics, religion, education and people that is irreplaceable. If Janet Robert doesn't object to Nick's choice of topics, then why the heck did she can him? Note to Janet: it's okay to change your mind - hire him back!

I miss the show and don't tune in for the morning drive-time anymore. Somebody please call me when he's back on the air, and I'll reset my radio dial.

Nikki Carlson? Hmmm...those initials seem awfully familiar, don't they? In fact, the name is even pretty close. You don't think...No, he wouldn't do that. Would he?

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