Monday, August 29, 2005

Deep In Indian Country

The last few days in Minneapolis have featured gorgeous late-summer weather. Clear, sunny, warm but not hot with refreshing gentle breezes.

When I arrived in Denver today it was sweltering. Ninety-frickin-two degrees. Not exactly what I was expecting.

A couple of quick observations:

- Oil is over $70 a barrel. Hardly a news flash to most, but when I was driving to Boulder I only saw one of about thirty oil derricks actually pumping the black gold. What are you waiting for, a hundo a barrel? Get those babies going.

- Another nice feature of the DLO TransPod is its portability. I brought mine along on the trip and set it up in my rental car. Beats the hell out of trying to listen to Hugh's show on 710 KNUS, whose pathetic signal makes AM1280 The Patriot sound like KOA.

More later as time allows.

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