Don't look now, but guess what's coming just 'round the corner? That's right, the Great Minnesota Git Together a.k.a. the Minnesota State Fair opens its gates (and more importantly its Porta-Potties) in less than three weeks. Minnesotans will soon be flocking to the Fairgrounds in St. Paul for the fun, the food, and most of all, the FREE crap. Your typical native of the North Star State would trample his grandmother without a second thought if it meant getting a better spot in the line where a local TV station is handing out free ice scrapers.
There are those who claim that absence of the freak shows (Lobster Boy and his ilk) has caused the Fair to lose some of its appeal. I disagree. While it's true that we've reached a sad state in our history when we're no longer allowed to publicly marvel at the physical deformities of our fellow man, I say there is no shortage of freaks at the State Fair. You can easily find them on the Midway, in the Ag Barns, under the Coliseum, or anywhere else on the Fairgrounds. In fact, they're all around you. Sometimes they even are you.
From politically motivated seed art to fried ____(fill in the blank) on a stick to displays of animal genitalia that would make Paris Hilton think twice, there's something for everyone at the State Fair. Including live radio broadcasts.
For the second straight year, The Northern Alliance Radio Network will be coming to you live and in person from the State Fair on AM 1280 - The Patriot. Once again, we'll be cranking out four reaallly beeg shows from noon to 3pm live from the sprawling Patriot Manor facility at the Fairgrounds (conveniently located only steps away from the Summit beer garden):
- Saturday August 27th
- Sunday August 28th
- Saturday September 3rd
- Sunday September 4th
Make your plans now to come on down and join the festivities. Meet the NARN hosts and our fabulous lineup of guests. Sign up to win a car (technically speaking the use of it for two years) from the White Bear Lake Super Store. Play along with our audience participation contests. Ask King Banaian what he thinks about Iraqi Dinars. Tell Captain Ed what you think about his Notre Dame jersey. Laugh as Saint Paul get disrespected by costumed mascots. Watch as Mitch Berg makes radio history and milks a prairie chicken live on the air.
Best of all, reflect on what a truly great and egalitarian country we live in where a high-powered corporate attorney and force in the new media enjoys wolfing down a corn dog as much as the next guy.
See you at the Fair.
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