Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Starship Loser

It seems that Sharon Osbourne and Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson are involved in a rather nasty rock n' roll pissing match.

Sharon claims that Dickinson slagged her hubby Ozzy (and the U.S. in general, more on that in a minute) on stage repeatedly during the recent Ozzfest when IM was opening for him (and paying them $185,000 a night) and she wasn't having it.

So she apparently hired people to throw eggs, lighters, bottle tops and other sundry debris at IM during their performance and even went and pulled the plug on their sound during "dramatic points during the set." Sounds kind of interesting.

Sharon has issued her version of the events. Iron Maiden's tour manager, the unfortunately named Rod Smallwood covers their side here.

Another hilarious version of what went down can be found here, complete with the actual words Dickinson said to the crowd. Spinal Tap has got nothing on him.

So Sharon admits going after Dickinson and claims he had it coming. After Googling the rocker, I've come to the conclusion that Sharon was right. Bruce Dickinson is a jackass and a goofed-out leftist. A few choice words from the man:

I hate Walmart, and I hate the corporatization of everything in America. I despise it. People need to have their minds made up for them, at this moment, and they need to liberate themselves from that. It drives me nuts.


I was a kid and brought up with the Apollo missions. What I thought was cool was the whole concept that people were just doing all this because it was there. It was an exploration. Then I realized it had nothing to do with exploration, it was about domination of some other country and putting nuclear bombs in space. It sucks.

Typically deep political thoughts from your average 15-year-old.

So instead of hearing me go after Bruce (I think I hate anyone named Bruce), why don't we just let former Ozzy guitarist Zakk Wylde have a go (and this is profane, so bail now if this kind of stuff bothers you):

...Bruce Dickinson every night would be saying 'Ozzy sucks,' 'Ozzfest blows,' 'Corporate America sucks,' 'America sucks,' and all this other crap. He was bagging on America and bagging on Ozz.

Ozzy's the godfather of my son. It wasn't like Bruce said those things one night. This happened every night on the 'fest. If you got signed by George Steinbrenner to play for the Yankees and every day you say, 'Steinbrenner sucks,' 'Yankee Stadium blows,' 'I can't stand playing for this team ? it sucks ass,' then why are you playing for the Yankees? Shut your fuckin' pie hole.

All he had to do was go up there, play for an hour, whoop some ass and go home. The only thing Ozzy's ever done was given MAIDEN a stage to come over and play to the biggest audience in the summer. Ozzy would give you the shirt off his back. He'd never do a bad thing to anybody. Sharon didn't like him talking about her husband like that and talking about Ozzfest like that. It's just not kosher. The bottom line is Bruce was being a wad!

You act like a cunt, you get treated like a cunt! That's what happened. He's definitely not one of the guys. Everybody in their band and crew are cool. I love MAIDEN but he's talking about the godfather of my son, he's bagging America and all the troops are fighting overseas defending our way of life and freedom and fighting terrorism.

This dickwad's taking American money and then he's gonna go home. At the same time he thinks he can badmouth America. It's not cool. He got pelted with a batch of eggs and they turned the power off on him! Go home!"

Well said Zakk. We here at Fraters would like to raise a Makers Mark and Elder Bong Water to Zakk Wylde for putting that English wanker in his place.


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