Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Finally, A Civil Rights Movement I Can Support

Bernie from Minnetonka writes in to make me aware of my rights as a Fat Person (does simple dreaming of the perfect sandwich automatically make me fat?), courtesy the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance:

Declaration of Health Rights for Fat People
1. To non-discrimination in the health care system due to weight size or illness category;
2. To have quality medical care, social services, and adequate physical accommodations / equipment/testing facilities in the health care setting;
3. To have full explanation of all health procedures; to help choose the modality of treatment; and to refuse treatment (including calorie-restrictive diets);
4. To have an advocate, either an individual or organizational representative of our choice, to ask questions for us, to listen to what we cannot hear; and to be with us;
5. To refuse participation in weight loss programs of all kinds, including diets, surgery, aversive psychological conditioning, and chemical regimes, without jeopardizing access to other treatment and care;
6. To adequate and appropriate analgesia and anesthesia when necessary in the opinion of the patient;
7. To freedom from ridicule, coercion, and harassment from all care givers in the health delivery system;
8. To be treated by individuals who are accurately informed about the latest research in the areas of bariatrics, nutrition, metabolism, and genetics with regard to "obesity";
9. To privacy and confidentiality of all medical records.
10. To be made aware of the latest in sandwich R&D, including hybrid designs combining heretofore unknown combinations of delicious meats.

Okay, so I made that last one up.

Now I'm not fat (yet). I go about 5'11" and 200 pounds and could play Boogaard to Nick Coleman's Gillies any day of the week, but it's nice to know that a civil rights group has my back if I ever feel like letting myself go.

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