The inimitable Vox Day has a new column today where he gets to the heart of the goals of public education and it aint readin', ritin' or rithmetic'.
California parents are reeling from the recent decision by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals which asserts that parents' have no right to control how the public schools educate their children. In Texas, parents are angrily protesting their children being medicated by school personnel against their wishes.
However, these despicable actions should come as a surprise only to the ignorant - who are clearly the great majority - since only an ignoramus or a fool would voluntarily pass his children through the pagan fires of the public schools.
I strongly agree with that last sentence. It amazes me how many seemingly smart people are completely unaware of what happens in the public schools (and yes, that does include the one in YOUR neighborhood). Listen to (local talk show host) Soucheray any day and there will inevitably be some guy calling in from Shoreview or wherever that is indignant that his son/daughter is being taught any number of lies stemming from an aggressive secular humanist agenda.
I just want to ask these people what they think conservatives have been talking about all these years. I'm afraid these people suffer from what I call the "MOR Putz" syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a unexamined faith in always trying to find the middle ground of issues--of always looking for the Middle Of the Road. "Yeah," they say to themselves, "maybe those conservatives are right in their criticism of the schools, but then again they DO sound kind of angry, so maybe there's something wrong with them. Oh well, who knows. Off to the public schools Brandon".
This defaulting to whatever the popular culture throws their way (In But Not Of anyone?) makes for great problems down the road when they actually wake up and realize what they are condemning their children to.
What's that you say? You'd just love to send your kids to private school, but dang it, you just can't afford it? Sorry Charlie, no sale. What kind of cars do you drive? How big is your house? Where did you vacation this year? I flat out reject the affordability excuse when many people are living the lifestyles that were once only afforded to CEOs, business owners or government employees.
If I sound preachy, deal with it. This issue isn't going away.
The only people that should have their kids in public schools are leftists who actually believe in and agree with the secular humanist agenda. If you aren't one and don't, then you have to ask yourself one question:
Are you an ignoramus or a fool?
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