Monday, November 28, 2005

Pro-war In Madtown?

From deep within the liberal socialist enclave of Madison, Wisconsin, Grant Anderson is bearing the conservative torch through his work at Patriot Blog and the new conservative newspaper at UW-Madison (yes, it really exists) called The Mendota Beacon. Recently, he interviewed three veterans of the Iraq war who are now students at the school. You can read (and listen) to the interviews here. Not surprisingly their views on the war are a little different from most of their classmates:

One veteran, Jake Kraschnewski, spent seven months as a Marine in Iraq, primarily based out of the city of Yusifiyah. He is frustrated by the poll numbers.

"90 percent of the stuff [in the media] is five army soldiers killed in blast, 30 civilians dead," Kraschnewski said, "It seems like that is the only stuff that makes the news."

The media, Kraschnewski said, portrays Iraq as far more dismal than it really is. "It wasn't everyday we were there people were dying, it wasn't like that at all."

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