There's something deeply wrong with the city of Minneapolis on almost every level. We are all aware of what the leftist political class has done to the jernt and is usually where the action is in terms of posting material, but the culture of Minneapolis is in so many ways so weird, so antagonistic to normal values, so juvenile (save for experimental theatre--Mitch Berg loves the experimental theatre (!)) that it is interesting once in a while to see what that culture produces.
This review of a recent performance by a local rock band had me in stitches from it's unintentionally funny description of the lead singer's depression and how this was supposed to be something musically inspiring:
...Between singer/songwriter Darin Wald's battle with depression (which formed the basis for all of the songs on Suicide Note Reader's Companion)...
BDR followed up with "Seven Hours," a slow-starting acoustic song detailing Wald's hospital admission ("Took a vacation to the state hospital/My sister came to pick me up/Take the meds from a paper cup")
Wald's reserved stage presence and his weary vocal delivery reinforces the claustrophobia of a depression spiraling out of control. From losing his sense of self ("Cancer in my bones/I'm tired of this old skin/I don't know how I got here/I'm crucified again" from "Lately") to the fear of losing those around him ("Who'll pay the bills/Just in case I have to stay?" from "Just In Case"), one could feel the pain and alienation that he went through as he relives it on stage.
I feel I must again let the writers and musicians of Minneapolis know that I DON'T WANT TO FEEL PAIN AND ALIENATION! I don't want to hear some depressed hipster pouring his soul out on stage. I don't want to hear songs about committing suicide or songs about being admitted to the nut house and no normal, well-adjusted, mature person would either.
Depression is a serious illness that often needs to be treated medically, but song fodder it aint. It's just amazing how almost every aspect of Minneapolis is backward, wrong, muddled, confused or just plain weird.
Enjoy that experimental theatre Mitch. That and listening to suicide songs in a bar are just another of the joys of city living that I guess I'm missing out on.
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