Via Swiftee I see I missed a nice little spat between City Pages and Soul Asylum guitarist Dan "I still dress like a 20 year old urban socialist" Murphy over a review of their new album.
What's interesting is how the sharpest arrow in Murphy's quivver is comparing the hipster writer to Bill O'Reilly. Check it:
Your lifeless rag reeks of Bill O'Reilly and Fox News when you assume a predisposed stance and predetermined position and create a review (for lack of a better term) solely based on the "holier than thou" bias of some indie-rock chick writer's self aggrandizing college dropout meandering...
You gotta love one urban socialist accusing another of being a Bill O'Reilly!
Your brand of rehashed insights (Ed: as opposed to say, rehashed rock?) would be better suited to "The No Spin Zone," where at least the public knows what they're getting when they tune in and have the chance to change the channel. That said, be proud as you are "The City Pages" and the world awaits your next issue as such.
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