Suze e-mails to advise on some folks who are exposing the fraud of the food fascisti:
Thought you might find this interesting in light of the hundreds of whiney articles dissing every food product under the sun, linking it to obesity, is nice to know that someone is finally looking into a little thing we call personal responsibility and freedom of choice. It also pisses me off on the free-market front. The kinds of inefficiency these tactics cause boil my blood. Do they not get it? I also googled this CSPI group mentioned and turns out there is a whole site pointing out their scam-ridden history. 90 scares in 35 years. Why am I not surprised?
She's talking about this post at Human Events:
Steven Milloy of the Free Enterprise Education Institute has just released a comprehensive report busting the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) on their 35 years of food policing. The CSPI has waged war against coffee, ice cream, movie popcorn, bacon, Fettuccine Alfredo and every other food that is loved by the American public.
The CSPI's 2005 tax return showed that they raked in $16.2 million, approximately one dollar for every calorie in Outback's bacon cheese fries.
Some other noteworthy targets in CSPI's campaigns include:
- Caffeine--CSPI claimed that thousands of babies are born deformed because "coffee, tea and other beverages containing caffeine."
- Hot dog casing--But not for the reason you think--CSPI claimed the food coloring used in the casings cause cancer.
- Beer--CSPI's claim is that beer is even worse than bacon when it comes to exposure of nitrosamines. Thousands of single guys reading this just uttered "Mmm...bacon beer."
Going after coffee AND beer? They really are worse than Hitler.
Much more about the dubious nature of most of the claims made by the CSPI, including a link to Milloy's full report can be found here.
While we're on the topic of overblown public health risks, my wife brought my attention to news of the latest "addiction":
Blackberry email devices can be so addictive that owners may need to be weaned off them with treatment similar to that given to drug users, experts warned today.
They said the palmtop gadgets, which have been nicknamed 'crackberries' because users quickly become hooked on them, could be seriously damaging to mental health.
The study, carried out by New Jersey's Rutgers University School, claims the Blackberry is fuelling a rise in email and internet addiction, with sufferers able to survive only a few minutes without checking for new mail.
Survive? So these weenies just curled up in a ball and died because somebody took their precious Blackberry away? As beneficial for society as such a scenario might be, I find it highly unlikely.
The Islamists have guys willing to blow themselves up for their cause. We can't even "survive" without our electronic gadgets supplying us with a constant stream of inane information. No wonder they hate us.
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